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Holistic Psychoherapy & Flower Essence Therapy
Sessions organically unfold to help you cultivate your skills, resources and confidence to transform areas of concern in your life. Together, we will explore how you can work with your intentions, release obstructive belief patterning and support your co-creative process. You will experience powerful insights as you discover and learn to trust your natural intuitive language. MORE
Aura InfusionsTM
Are aromatic sprays formulated with pure plant, gem and botanical oil extracts that saturate the energy field. Each aura infusion is carefully harmonized to bring specific qualities and assistance to you. Change your state of mind and change your life! MORE
"I have had a lot of depression and anxiety over the past two years. I am glad my friend let me know about your aura infusions. I am using Into the Light. You have concocted something really good. I feel much better - Thanks." ~C.M. Amesbury, MA
Recognize your true essence and be elevated to your fullest potential