Aquatic Integrative Somatic Therapy
Authentic movement and safety are integral to your survival and well being. During an aquatic Integrative somatic session you will be continuously supported as you unwind long held emotional imprints that were held in the body. As you release, there is an opening to the flow of renewal, liberation and the true potency found deep within. Often there is a sense of rebirth as sounds are muffled and time stops. Movement and gravity become a slow motion dance of submergence and emergence, waves, opening stretches, twists, inversion and quiet stillness. The deeply relaxing effects of warm water and nurturing support allow you to relax and move and experience your true spirit in ways that
would otherwise be impossible. It is a deep
and miraculous gift of healing.
Personal, private sessions often have the quality of renewal, where the true self is brought forward and liberated. This is reminiscent of prenatal life, sounds are muffled and time stops. Movement and gravity become a slow motion dance of submergence and emergence, waves, rolls, twists, inversion and quiet stillness. This practice of Waterdance offers a freedom beyond what can be experienced on land. To book a session, please contact me.

Water Healing

“I felt like tall grass moving with the current in the river on a warm, sunny summer day. I felt loved, totally nourished. I felt in sync with an old friend”… ~ Susan P., Newburyport, MA
"The session yesterday was very powerful for me. I had a very powerful dream last night that I don't understand. But when I woke from it, the energy in the room was huge and active... very alive, almost a fantasia sort of energy. Today I feel more solid, and able, and even kind of happy. I feel much more able to speak my mind and stand up for myself" ... ~ Donna W., Amesbury

I know that Bobbi has written a book about Watsu and is regarded as one of the country's leading practitioners of this amazing modality...right here in our own back yard! Bobbi's work goes much deeper than meditation or water yoga. It touches the primordial core of our being and allows our bodies to unfold with innate grace. It took me only a few minutes in the pool to appreciate that water is Bobbi's natural element, in which she is completely at home. It took me only a few minutes longer to find my Self at home there too. Blessings. ~Bill

I have had numerous Watsu sessions in the past and have worked with Bobbi in the water as well. What Bobbi does goes far beyond what Watsu is. Bobbi has had water training in Switzerland that surpasses traditional Watsu training coupled with Bobbi's innate love for being in the water and her ability to connect with your very essence makes for an exceptional experience... ~Libby Potter

I have been blessed with two experiences in the water with Bobbi. She awakened the long absent virtue of trust while releasing the fear of letting go. I felt totally supported and the dolphin energy returning in this natural habitat. Harmony and gratitude emerged. ... ~Pat, Florida

As someone who has personally experienced Bobbi's work in the water, I wholeheartedly endorse her healing abilities. Bobbi is intuitive, gentle, skillful, wise and compassionate. Under Bobbi's guidance the water became amniotic fluid, and I was born again into a new body after working with her. When my wife died way too prematurely 4 and a half years ago, I took my daughter Kiera for a session with Bobbi to unfreeze the shock of my wife's death from Kiera's body. That single healing allowed Kiera to release some of her pent-up grief and to move into a more fluid emotional and physical state. ~William, Arlington

I went to see my therapist two days after my Wave M’ocean session with you. She said “You have the same glow that you had the last time you had an aquatic session. You have such confidence that is coming from inside; you are the person now that I always knew you could be when I first met you. It’s amazing how much better and younger you look every time you have one of those sessions.”
I had suggested to my therapist that she have a session with you. She was hesitant until she saw what a difference it made for me personally, and even in my appearance. She will be calling you!
Thank you so much for this gift! ~ L.G. Newburyport

Dear Bobbi, Thank you so much for the sessions on Thursday. For both of us it was a wonderful, deep experience. We look forward to learning more about this way of working. We will contact you to see if we can arrange sessions again soon. We will be happy to refer clients to you who might be open to the beautiful work you are doing. ~Warmest greetings, Rich & Antra (relationship psychotherapists) Boston