ITS TIME TO UNTANGLE FROM FEAR AND LIMITATION It’s time to go forward allowing your deepest humanity to rule the moment. Even in fear,...

Belonging To The Light
Belonging to the light is a shift in context We are a family of light – a matrix of consciousness called humanity. The power of belonging...

Awake In The Dream
Who Am I And What On Earth Am I Doing Here? with Bobbi Courtney, MSW, LICSW, CFEP Join us for wisdom sharing and journeying with...

Happy New-Creation Year!
May You Dance Free And Know True Abundance! As I step into the huge potential of 2020, i bring to you a process that truly empowers those...

ANCHORING YOUR SOUL POWER Friday, December 6th (6:30-8:30) Wild Dove, Amesbury
Understanding the Language of your Soul: A Shamanic Journey with Bobbi Courtney Join us for an evening of belonging that supports us,...

Belonging ToThe Water Retreat -Friday July 19th 1:00-6:00
surf the gentle waves of sound, breath and water Join us for a one day retreat, belonging to the water of our personal and planetary...

Soul Vision at Flote July 24th, 6:30-9
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Life On Purpose~ Thursday May 16th
As evolving souls, we are here working on life issues in concert with our soul contracts. To understand how to move through both of these...

Have You Ever Wanted To Have A Custom Blend of Flower Essences Made For You?
I'm Partnering with Wild Dove in Amesbury to make it possible for people to experience having a blend made for them What are flower...

Connection Is Our Deepest Resource
We are moving through evolutionary changes together, and the side effects include many challenges. But connection holds the light as we...